Reading time:

Corridor Seat

And yet here I stand...

An utterer of phonemes

and an orator of paraplegic incoherencies. 

A corruptor of vowels

and an annihilator of consonants. 

I have summoned my voice into silence

excruciatingly discolouring my mental lyricism

into lightless reflections of my inner darkness.

And yet here I stand...

A human commodity of the highest value,

a proprietor of well being

and a connoisseur of packaged happiness. 

A relentless force of passiveness 

rotting on the outskirts of life 

moulded into a social singularity

of erratic dream sequences.

And yet here I stand... 

A collector of obsolescent moments

that asphyxiate in my compartmentalised emptinesses

and the sum of which falls short of a life... 

 of one life.